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Vol. 6 Núm. 3 (2011): Outubro/2011


October 21, 2011


The scientific analysis and discussion on the effect of anthropogenic emissions of Greenhouse Gases(GHG) emissions and its consequences on climate change had obtained public notoriety in recent decades. Theneed for global actions designed to combat global warming move both the public and the private sector. Therelationship between environment and economy has been a subject of discussion since the first UN Conferenceon the Human Environment held in Stockholm in 1972. Due to the production / consumption / environment,the private sector is interested in one of the biggest issues of Global Environmental Governance (GAG). Asclimate change, although the scientific evidence increases, policy responses have had so far little or no impacton the accumulation of emissions. Technology Capture and Storage of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in GeologicalReservoirs (CCS) is recognized as a major form of GHG mitigation. To encourage its use in large-scaleresources are available from the international market and other voluntary carbon credit. Another incentivemechanism for its use is the market for carbon credits from Clean Development Mechanisms (CDM), however,it is not possible. The World already has a number of institutions carrying out research on this technology.The main objective of this paper is to present an overview of the technology worldâs geological CO2 storageanalyzing the situation of this technology in Brazil. The methodology of this paper is composed of exploratory,descriptive and analytical theme that focuses on the strategies and techniques of qualitative and quantitativeresearch. For the collection and analysis of secondary data, we used traditional research resources. Initially,we reviewed the literature on CCS technology. In addition, we performed analysis of institutional documentssuch as reports, studies and projects. The primary data were collected through visits to specialists. As a resultthe article shows the positioning of various countries on the inclusion of CCS under the CDM, specifically theposition of Brazil, the current status of research on the structure of CCS technology in Brazil, the main reasonsto invest in this technology in Brazil and finally the identification of gaps for establishing an environment morefavorable to the field of technology. We conclude that the Government of Brazil has been absent in structuringactions relating to CCS, leaving to the private sector to lead the development and mastery of CCS technology.


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