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Vol. 17 No. 1 (2022): APRIL 2022

Analysis and computational modeling of the adhesive ribbons manufacturing process in a company of the manaus industrial hub: an application in Flexsim® software

January 31, 2022


Whether in the product or the process, the strategy of investing in innovation is necessary for companies to remain in a dynamic, fast-paced, and fiercely competitive economy. Industry 4.0 is a global reality, and the factories installed in the Industrial Pole of Manaus (PIM) need to restructure to absorb the technological advances of this new industrial paradigm. With this in mind, this research, subsidized by investments in research and development (R & D) in the Western Amazon, proposes to optimize a production cell in a company located in the PIM that operates in the adhesive ribbon sector. The study was based on one of the pillars of Industry 4.0: digital discrete event simulation using Flexsim® software. The model's data was collected from June to November 2021 and processed using the ExpertFit® tool, a statistical software supplement. Due to the large number of products processed by the company, this study focused its analysis on only one ribbon type; however, its results can be mirrored for all products of this family. The construction and subsequent comparative analysis of seven scenarios with optimized proposals reached an ideal solution with significant reductions. If implemented in the physical process, it would result in cost savings for the company through increased productivity and reduced inventories in the production process, thus achieving the objectives of optimizing the production cell.

Keywords: Industry 4.0; Computer Simulation; Process Optimization; FlexSim® software.


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