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Vol. 15 No. 3 (2020): DEZEMBRO 2020

RN32: review of protection in laboratories of higher education institutions

September 28, 2020



Highlights: Healthcare workers are in one of the professional categories that present the highest risk of suffering work-related accidents or contracting pathologies due to their professional activity. The Regulatory Norm 32 provides these professionals with guidelines that propose safe working conditions that must be followed throughout the country.

Aim: understand the current scenario of health laboratories of higher education institutions regarding occupational safety and health (OSH).

Design / Methodology / Approach: In order to achieve the objective, it was decided to structure a review-type survey of narrative literature.

Results: 12 articles related to the subject of the research were found; however, none of them dealt with the use of the standard in laboratories of higher education institutions, specifically.

Limitations of research: No research has been located for which the object of study was the RN32 in health laboratories of higher education institutions; therefore, the findings of this article must be understood and transferred to the reality found by teachers, technicians and students.

Practical implications: through the findings it will be possible to develop a culture of occupational health and safety, from the training of future professionals.

Originality / value: The absence of scientific material exploring health and safety at work in laboratories of educational institutions shows how relevant and valuable this theme is.


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