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Vol. 13 No. 2 (2018): JUN 2018

Challenges in the implementation of a reverse packaging logistics system: a case study in a retailer of building materials

June 17, 2017


The inquiries regarding reverse logistics have gained attention as a set of strategic, competitive, economic and ecological factors gain importance in the current context, as it presents solutions or alternatives that corroborate the expansion of the useful life of the packaging in the direction for recycling, and to collaborate with social actions aimed at promoting sustainability. The main goal of the article was to analyze the challenges faced in the implementation of a reverse packaging logistics program in a retail building materials company. Regarding the technical procedures, a field survey was conducted, considering a retail company located in João Pessoa, PB as an intentional non-probabilistic sample. Data were collected through participatory observation, unstructured interviews and closed questionnaires. The main variables analyzed were: Involvement of business leaders; acceptance of the reverse logistics program by the client companies; storage of materials; handling and transportation; sales, cost and value generation; and impacts on the routines of the implantation company. There were some difficulties, in which the lack of commitment of the builders and their employees in the segregation of the products stands out. However, there was evidence of improvements in interorganizational relationships due to the involvement of managers in the reverse logistics program.


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