The Charter of services to the citizen and its reflexes in the provision of public service

Flávio Sérgio Rezende Nunes de Souzaa; Valentina Gomes Haensel Schmittb; Thiago José Parreirab
a Board of Directors of the Navy (DAdM)- Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV/EBAPE)
b Instruction and Training Center Admiral Newton Braga (CIANB) - Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV/EBAPE)

Abstract: Citizen-oriented administration is one of the key assumptions of Management public administration model, which developed in Brazil in the 90. One of his tools is the Charter of Citizen Services, which has the purpose to inform about services provided by certain public organizations, including their means of access and quality of care standards offered. The aim of this study is to see how the Charter of Citizen Services can contribute to the improvement of the service provided by public organizations. To this end, we analyzed three Navy organizations, institution in which the adoption of this instrument has been fostered by the Neptune, which is the customization of the National Program of Public Administration and Debureaucratization (Gespública), created in 2005. The survey results demonstrate that the use of the Charter of Citizen Services strengthens several foundations of excellence in management, pillars of Gespública and Neptune. In particular, the letter provides greater transparency and clarification to the citizens, existing conditions to increase the interaction between these organizations. In addition, there is the possibility of improving the management of their own organizations.

Keywords: Letter to citizen services; public administration management; Gespública; Neptune Program; Brazilian Navy.


The organizational management environment is filled with variables to your driving. Therefore, several challenges are to perform organizational practices, whether in the context of public or private organizations. Each context presents special features that model and significantly affect the environment and daily lives of organizations, of individuals who constitute them and processes.

In public organizations the challenges are magnified, particularly in a context of progressive transition from bureaucratic management to managerialism, in that every unit and every member of the organization are instructed to act in pursuit of results they need and should be presented to society as a result of the institutional effort. The reality of Public Administration demonstrates that legal restrictions and regulations may be preventing the processes of flexibility and adaptability required for a dynamic environment – both in technical terms as technological or even in relation to the profile of the human capital necessary for tackling the new challenges. In this same context, the organizational effectiveness articulates in good communication, flexibility, creativity and psychological commitment (Schein, 1965). Soon, the transition of actions and activities guided by bureaucratic elements to Managerialism demand a new look, a different way of thinking and acting.

Managerial Public Administration is a paradigm that emerged in public management, in order to overcome some shortcomings of bureaucratic public administration. Among the shortcomings to correct the auto referred character, consisting of the orientation to the rigid control of processes rather than focus on the results. The burden the focus on control is in prejudice to adding value to the citizen, a priori, should be the main beneficiary of the activities of the State.

In the macro context of Brazilian public organizations, over the past two decades were distinct initiatives aimed at attempting to transition from bureaucratic model to managerial. In this sense, tools and management systems were proposed aiming at the adaptation of structures at management approaches required. The first attempts at implementation of actions supported in the managerial perspective occurred during Development of 1967-Reform undertaken by the military Government. However, from the late 90 's that have been promoted most prominent actions, among which the initiatives derived from the master Plan for the Reform of the State Apparatus (PDRAE) of 1995 and, subsequently, the National Program of Public Administration and Bureaucracy (the Gespública) with various developments in organizations. Currently, it appears that this program has spread to wide use of the Model of Excellence in Public Administration (MEGP).

In the Brazilian Navy (Marinha do Brasil - MB), there are efforts to the implementation of best management practices, through adaptations and adjustments made in the Gespública, which led to the creation of the Neptune Program.

One of the tools created to support these programs is the Charter of Citizen Services. This instrument is intended to strengthen citizen orientation, brought by Public Administration Managerial, to establish the commitments of organizations with him, as well as to allow their participation in management.

In order to understand the impact of the implementation of the Charter of Services in the Navy, this article conducts an empirical research on three military organizations of the institution governed by the following problem: how the Charter of Citizen Services can represent an instrument for improvement of public service?

The theoretical significance of this work is justified by the small amount of empirical research1 studying the application of this instrument in public organizations (Silva Junior et Stanger, 2010; Pereira et Moreira, 2011). In particular, it is interesting to investigate its use in public organizations strongly prioritized, such as the military. The achievement of a better understanding of this tool, which can enhance its benefits with its use of the most appropriate form constitute the practical relevance of this article.

The next section is devoted to Managerial Reform and citizen orientation. In section 3, the Neptune Program and the Charter of Services. The fourth section presents the guidelines for public administration management and its relationship to the Charter of Services. The following are explained the methodology and data analysis, comprising a contextualization of each case and some features found in the use of the letters. In the last section, talks about the potential benefits brought by the findings, and presents the final considerations of this article.


The Managerial Reform began in the Decade of 80 in countries like the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand, and was extended in the 90 to the United States and Brazil. The reform opened in countries call managerial public administration, which was intended to replace the Bureaucratic public administration through a transformation that followed the ideals of the New Public Management (NPM). This change was based on the practices adopted by private administration, but at the same time distinguished by get the public interest (Coutinho, 2000).

The first phase of reforms had a character of structural adjustment, promoting the State minimum. The next moment he had the purpose to rebuild the State, bringing back its governance. One of the dimensions in which the actions were performed, the management focused on the modernization of public administration through the insertion of supported practices in new management ideas. The main goal was in providing better services to the citizen-client to a lower cost (Bresser-Pereira, 1998).

Osborne et Gaebler (1996) were authors who have great influence in the Decade of 90, notably in the United States. To these authors there how to run the kind of Government developed during the industrial era, characterized as slow, with centralized bureaucracies and concerned too with rules and regulations. Thus, the proposal was that the Government should take ownership of the administrative model of the private sector, using, for example, the management flexibility, focus on quality of services and priority to the demands of consumers.

Based on this ideology, the president of the United States at the time, Bill Clinton, launched the National Performance Review, whose motto was "work better and cost less." Its purpose was to make the State more efficient and directed to the citizen-client. This guidance was strengthened with the launch of the second phase of the programme in 1995, opened by a document entitled Putting Customers First’ 95 (Bresser-Pereira, 1998) a strengthening of the citizen as client and priority aspect of management. That same year, in Brazil, was published the strategic PDRAE that indicated the pillars of State reform project. However, its main guidelines were implemented only by constitutional amendment No 19, in 1998 (Lustosa, 2008).

In Brazil, the main point of the reform also happened to be the guidance for citizens, replacing the auto referred stance of bureaucracy:

The reform of the State in the years 90 is a reform that requires citizens and they are targeting. Citizens less protected or safeguarded by the State, but more free, to the extent that the State reduces its paternalistic face, becomes himself competitive, and thus requires more politically mature citizens. Citizens maybe more individualistic because more aware of their individual rights, but also more supportive, although this may seem contradictory, because more apt to collective action and therefore more willing to organize in public institutions or direct interest’s protection of the own group (Bresser-Pereira, 1997, p. 57).

Despite several criticisms of the concept of customer in Public Administration (Carroll, 1995; Fox, 1996), several authors believe that it does not interfere with the prospect of citizenship, since the services are always subordinate to the democratic criterion.

One perspective argues that today the individuals, as citizens, have less power to control over public organizations than as clients in private organizations. Thus, government activities should be measured, but wouldn’t clear how many would be subject to this (Mintzberg, 1996). Managerial Public Administration is a paradigm adopted in current public administration, aimed at modernizing and adding value to society, but in parallel there are aspects from the bureaucratic model.

From another perspective, to Bresser-Pereira (1998), understand the citizen as client would mean the lack of attention of bureaucratic public administration-focused on its own power. Thus, the focus would have to guarantee the democratic character of public management. From then on began to be adopted classifications, as a citizen-user and citizen- client (Bresser-Pereira, 1998) or user-citizen (Coutinho, 2000). However, before such observations, it is the Motta (2013) that the current moment refers to the awareness of the limits of inclusion of private mechanisms, and it is necessary to reconcile lessons learned in the middle with the public, but respecting the characteristics inherent in the public administration.

Efforts to insert the Managerial Public Administration persist to this day. It turns out that organizations seek to readjust their structures, processes and products seeking greater efficiency and effectiveness, thus creating public value. In public organizations, are the agendas focused on organizational transformation (or adaptation) by means of innovative initiatives.


Following the efforts of administrative modernization carried out in Brazil, in the year of 2005 was established the National Program of Public Administration and Debureaucratization (Gespública) through Decree nº 5,378/2005 (Brasil, 2005). The Gespública was characterized for being one the program essentially public and citizen-oriented. Based on the Model of Excellence in Public Administration (MEGP), represents the main reference to be followed by public institutions that wish to improve their management level constantly (Palvarini, 2008).

The MEGP was conceived from the premise that it is possible to have a managing excellence in public organizations. This model is based on not only the constitutional principles public organizations themselves, but also principles of contemporary excellence management, constituting the following fundamentals: culture of innovation; systems thinking; organizational learning; leadership and constancy of purpose; process orientation and information; vision of the future; generation of value; commitment to people; focus on the citizen and in society; development of partnerships; social responsibility; social control; and participatory management (MPOG, 2014).

The MB, as a public institution, accompanied the development of new tools in public administration, implementing programs tailored to your needs (MB, 2011). The evolutionary process of the initiatives of the MB and the respective matches to measures carried out within Government can be viewed in Figure 1. Fact is that in the year following the launch of the Gespública the MB adopted a customized version: The Neptune Program.

Figure 1. Programs of the Brazil’s Navy and the Federal Government

Source: MB (2011, p. 2-1)

The Neptune Program consists of an administrative procedure designed to improve the management of military organizations (OM). This has as basic guidelines: professional training; improving the administrative structure; the valorization of the human element; as well as the rationalization of costs and combating waste, in the quest for financial austerity (MB, 2011). Currently, the Neptune Program uses various tools, which have been spreading for a growing number of OM, as: The Organizational strategic planning; the analysis and process improvement; the organizational climate survey; the Cycle of Evaluation and Improvement, and the letter OM service.

The inclusion and use of the services to the citizen was established by Decree No 6.932 August 11, 20092, with the objective of informing the citizen: the services provided by the organization, methods of access to services, and the respective commitments and standards of quality of care to the public (MPOG, 2009). This instrument was from previous successful experiences in other countries such as the United Kingdom,

France and Spain (Falco, 2000). The proper dissemination of the Charter of Citizen Services aims to provide access to information to the citizen, with respect to the services, as well as broaden the participation and social control of public good, encouraging the improvement of the quality of care (MPOG, 2009). The letter helps in reducing information asymmetry, giving citizens the role of leading the process of public service provision (Falco, 2000). In this way, it seeks to re-establish3 the direct relationship between the citizen and the public agent. In addition to inform and encourage citizen participation, the letter also provides the public agencies the possibility to adapt to the needs of citizens (Córdoba, 2000).


Bresser-Pereira (1998) identified in the literature three guidelines on Managerial public administration: technical, economic and political. Having the orientation for the citizen-client as the key point of management, public administration and the Charter of Citizen Services is an instrument that has primarily focus on the citizen, can point out features of the Letter to respond to aspects of these guidelines.

In relation to technical guidance underscore-if the control results; the introduction of search engines efficiency, aimed at the provision of services at the lowest cost possible, reaching a greater number of citizens (value-for-money); the establishment of service standards and the use of benchmarking. The Charter of Services aligns to this guidance, because it allows the control of results through the establishment of quality standards, stimulating access to services and providing the care of larger portion of the population. In addition, by providing clear and detailed information about the services provided, topping the element of comparability. Thus, conditions are created for benchmarking4 with organizations that provide the same type of service and that are recognized by their high quality in their respective areas.

The economic orientation is related to managed competition. This consists in the introduction of competitive elements in the provision of public services, through which organizations are encouraged to play each other the demand of citizens. The information concerning the preferences of citizens-customers are essential for the evaluation of services provided. Consequently, public organizations provide the user as they’ll look larger range of service options, in addition to raise their quality. To achieve these goals, the authors are favorable to imports of various techniques of business administration. Among the techniques the internal procurement Manager, consisting of the Division of Public Administration in a reduced strategic core and a large periphery, and the adoption of more flexible and varied services. Besides, preaches the intensive use of information technology, with the purpose of coordinating strategic alliances between organizations, and the introduction of new management styles, in particular the total quality management5.

From the perspective of economic orientation, the Charter Services, to make transparent its portfolio of services allows the citizen-user has knowledge of the various options that are offered. A parallel can be drawn with the possibility that the managers of the organization itself, to have greater contact with this portfolio, to create services that contribute to its expansion and customization. In essence, the greatest contact with the existing services and their quality requirements allows the managers seek service standards committed. And, after those are achieved, it is possible to trace new goals, contributing to the elevation of the quality of these services. In addition, the presentation of services and their functions as a preliminary internal requirement on which the organizations operationalize these services demonstrate that are realizing the strategic core that are linked.

Finally, political orientation or democratic is the sum of social control and the competition. The proposal leads to progressive citizens ’ participation in the definition of criteria and parameters to be used in the evaluation and control of public services, increasing the accountability of public administrators before them:

[…] the enhancement of participation of citizens in the management of public matters assumes high relevance. The citizen-client is a citizen-citizen, a full citizen, who is the subject of public services and also its subject, to the extent that it becomes participant in the formation of public policies and the evaluation of results (Bresser-Pereira, 1998, p. 118)

Even in the face of spreading the importance of social control, are necessary tools to enable its operation. The letter is an example that when establishing the commitments and standards of quality of public agencies, allows the individual parameters for the realization of any charges. Still, in the document set out the mechanisms for participation and communication (2000), and the procedures for suggestions and complaints, in addition to conducting satisfaction surveys with users (MPOG, 2009). The letter constitutes an important instrument for voice giving (Falco, 2000). That is, in addition to providing citizens with the means to monitor and control the public activities consists of a regulatory mechanism and coordination of the activities of public organizations, aiming at the provision of services more consistent with the expectations of the citizens.

In Figure 2 you can see, briefly, aspects of managerial administration guidelines that are directly related to the Charter of Citizen Services.

Figure 2. Aspects of the management and administration of services

Source: own elaboration


In the end, the research is characterized as descriptive and explanatory, making use of the comparative approach of case studies (Yin, 1993; 2005). The study included analysis of theoretical framework about the themes, document analysis, interviews, observation, analysis and content presentation and discussion of the material collected between members of research and of the organizations studied.

The descriptive character had intended to expose features of the phenomenon (Vergara, 2009) through records, analyses and interpretations. The explanation demonstrates the deepening of theme. As units of analysis, we used three organizations belonging to MB, constituting a case study of the multiple type (Eisenhardt, 1989; Yin, 1993; 2005). The aim was to analyze the scope of the variations of information obtained, understanding the interaction between mechanism and context can be more precisely explained by comparative methods (Ackroyd, 2009). The analysis consisted in the evaluation of variations of results between multiple cases, about the differences of the mechanisms involved in organizations.

Geographic was used as a criterion for selection. In this way, were chosen the organizations located in the city of Rio de Janeiro, which provided his letters on the Service Program Neptune, and had as its main focus the external user, IE didn’t have as main client organizations. So, six organizations responded to these requirements, being drawn three: Inactive Service and Pensioners of the Navy (SIPM), the Navy Identification Service (SIM) and the Social Service of the Navy (SASM).

First, we collected data of services of OM, and then selected were conducted semi-structured interviews with servers that have participated in its elaboration process or that are currently responsible for these instruments in these organizations, performing a total of six interviews. In addition, other sources were studied as websites, magazines and institutional strategic plans.

Both the examination of the documentation, as the interview was conducted through content analysis (Vergara, 2005; Bardin, 2010), using the Atlas. TI software for the evaluation of the data. The categories of analysis were those addressed in the theoretical reference, represented in Figure 2: control of results; quality standard of services; ease of access; benchmarking; increased service options; elevation of the standards; internal procurement Manager; social control; and participation.


Context of cases

Inactive service and pensioners of the Navy

The SIPM realizes granting of rights, reckoning, execution of payments, provides service to the target audience (inactive and pensioners) and performs the annual re-registration. Their motto is "service with quality who served with dedication", i.e., the quality should be a priority in the service to pensioners-clients of inactive organization.

The MB has about 120 1000 inactive and pensioners, distributed throughout the national territory, who receive their benefits through the SIPM. This corresponds, in financial amount, approximately 65% of the total payroll of the Navy (SIPM, 2011a). Therefore, their relevance in institutional and budget in search for quality.

The SIPM was one of the first organizations of the public administration and the first Brazilian armed forces to draw up the letter and have it certified by the Gespública6. The actions taken by the OM previously, such as the mapping of processes and internal procedures, the allowed to be prepared for the prompt preparation of the letter shortly after the publication of the Decree No 6.932/2009. There was at that time a concern with the development of skills that could contribute to the improvement of the management and user satisfaction, as an example of this may be mentioned the participation in the "International Forum of Integrated Service Centers" in June 2009.

In the launch phase was held a broad dissemination of the Charter of Citizen Services: in the social anchor7, by means of brochures, newsletters, and even individually in paychecks8. Currently the Charter is available on the site and in the service of all stations.

On the strategic map that OM is established, with a view to results, an aspect that contributes to the fulfillment of the mission and which is directly related to the Service Charter: "to provide a service to the public with quality, education and courtesy, providing all the requested information […]" (SIPM, 2011b, p. 33). Such particularity is one of the strategic objectives, which is measured by indicators that reflect the user’s satisfaction. In addition, another strategic objective, also related to the Letter, visa to interaction with the user, being translated into indicators relating to the access to information and to the use of the Ombudsman’s Office.

6.1.2 Navy Identification Service

The SIM performs managerial activities and technical-professional nature inherent in the identification of the interests of the Navy. To this end, manufactures the identity card of the MB; coordinates and supports local jobs and advanced Navy identification; guides you through the process of identifying dactyloscopy and support, when requested, the criminal process in the Navy; In addition to other functions relating to capacity-building and technical advisory services in identifying and dactyloscopy in MB.

That OM was created in 1908, and has been improved in the area of identification through the frequent incorporation of technological resources, currently being among a select group of organizations that perform digital capture to your people. Thus, the current system performs the fingerprint collection with the use of optical reader, eliminating the traditional use of ink. In addition, the demobilization of workshops for photographs, with the integration of webcams to workstations dactyloscopyst identifiers. In this way, came to be used a single window for fingerprint capture, photo, data collection and payment (discount single paycheck), leading to a significant reduction in the allotted time (Santos, 2013).

Currently the SIM has your registration about of 850 1000 records, and performs the issuance of approximately 60 1000 identification documents per year (Santos, 2013)

6.1.3 Social Assistance Service in the Navy

By SASM fit the tasks of providing legal assistance, psychological and social service inactive and dependent servers; run funeral support activities; support and supervise the service to users with regard to alimony and maintenance on consignment rental Payment card and promote activities related to the promotion of social well-being of MB, keeping exchanges with public and private entities, in order to generate or expand facilities in that area.

This organization aims to provide services that contribute to the well-being and quality of life to its users. The actions are deployed by running 10 programs divided into 11 projects, with 31 accredited institutions. The diversity of products offered includes since children up to senior citizens, reflecting the motto: "quality of life for life" (SASM, 2012).

Related to the purposes of the services, the project "public service". This is the contribution to the process of empowerment of the servers who deal directly with the public, promoting the improvement of the way to answer and stimulating their humanization.

6.2 Cross-case analysis

Various aspects relating to the Charter of Services found in the literature were observed in the analysis of the OM. However, even in the face of relationship between themselves, those who reported more frequent will be addressed separately for a better organization.

6.2.1 Standard of quality services and results control

This reflects the standard of service that the organization undertakes to pay the citizen-user. In the three cases studied, it was observed that normally there’s relationship with the characteristics of the products and services, to the times of service, the terms of readiness and comfort facilities offered.

The OM studied detail specifically each service, establishing the time and the duration of each one of them. In SIPM and SIM, is provided for the service "offline", i.e. the citizen-client is met even if the system is off the air.

The card SIM services highlights with enough detail the characteristics of its main products and still lists the items of comfort for users, such as amount of televisions, water fountains, bathrooms, among others. The specification of the standards allows the standardization of procedures, making the services more delimited. This creates a better quality of care:

The Charter of Services by standardizing and reporting procedures, it has become a valuable tool for the management of the public service, serving as a source of standardized information to the attending services running. Being better informed and empowered, the attendant provides its service with greater speed, efficiency and quality, and therefore meets and guides better the user, which implies directly on positive client satisfaction (interviewed 5).

Furthermore, the social control is facilitated. The user can collect the items offered, as well as the improvement in accessibility, because the relationship presented listed facilities such as wheelchair and parking for seniors and people with special needs.

Important to note that the establishment of standards in the management interferes OM, which have to be adequate to meet these. This fact could be observed especially in the SASM, which activated a scheduling service to enable the demand without impacting in committed. At the same time, the definition of these parameters enables the results to be measured by means of indicators, enabling the organization to benchmarking its products.

6.2.2 Accessibility and Internal Procurement Manager

Is related to facilitating user access to services. In General, the OM describe ways to access the locations, schedules, and the documents or procedures necessary for carrying out the services.

Among the offered modes of access, diversification, including attendance in person, by proxy, mail, phone or internet. The telephone and the internet are used widely by the organizations studied, the proximity to the citizen and business hours, in addition to the reduction of the need of the offset. Among the possibilities offered by the use of the internet, in some cases the SIPM is possible to schedule the service, perform registration changes, follow the progress of processes and access the various manuals, information and forms. One of the services provided by this OM, re-registration, can be done by mail, or in the case of impossibility of locomotion, per visit home. Home care is also provided by SIM for identification in certain cases.

Apple’s hours of service attendance vary widely, with services that come to work 24 hours, as is the case with the Funeral Service of SASM.

In all the OM the services are available in a decentralized manner, providing the citizen-customer service option in different locations. This decentralization is accomplished through a kind of internal procurement Manager, in which the various executors of services are linked to a central core. The SIPM has several offices advanced (PAA) in the area of the great river, as well as several military organizations contact support (OMAC) and Recadastradoras Organizations (OREC) present in different parts of the national territory:

The idea was precisely that, decentralize to facilitate the access of people living in different regions, there was this investment because it has been seen that the attendance was being very time-consuming. People were expecting too much, because all people came from far away, and had to come here to seat. So the understanding that decentralization would be closer to the customers […] (Interviewed 4).

In addition to the posts located in Naval Districts9, the SIM has four outposts in Rio de Janeiro, with the opening of another, and a team wheel of identification, with the availability of a mobile unit10. The SASM performs its services by means of agreements with about 30 accredited institutions, of which also highlights the contractualization. In addition, the three analyzed participate in large OM events, such as the Social Anchor, allowing easy access to a large number of participants11.

6.2.3 Participation and Social control

In General, the letters of the OM analyzed seek to ensure the effective participation of users in evaluation and consequent improvement of the services provided. All of them provide a minimum of five ways for users to forward their questions, complaints and suggestions, with Ombudsman well-structured sectors. Are common media access by email, by phone and by suggestion box. Between the differentials, stand out the satisfaction survey conducted by SIPM, available over the internet or in attendance; the questionnaire of quality of care applied by SASM and electronic, that totem also allows the application of a questionnaire of satisfaction.

The satisfaction surveys are accompanied by OM in the Management Board12, and effectively guide the actions of those constitute important tools of citizen-oriented administration.

6.2.4 Increase the options of service, and elevation of the standards

To highlight the services, the card allows employees to have new ideas, enabling expansion of the product range. In addition, the possibility of participation of users enhances this capability of innovation, somewhat similar to the concept of crowdsourcing13. The increase of options users is most evident in SIPM, because the Charter of Citizen Services is already in the third edition. This fact allows the comparison between the services offered and the latest version.

After the creation of the Charter of Services was created a password that the customer enters the site of SIPM and has access to the services on the site, entirely on the site […] the address change request he might start for the site and then bring the documentation, it was after letter (Interviewed 4).

In the SIM, the increase is coming from own suggestions from users, among which it is possible to cite the creation of offices and the implementation of the totem.

The elevation of the standards is also observed. The internal management of the OM adapts to improve services to citizens-customers. The new signings were made for SIPM the better service of the demand, and may cite concrete improvements such as reducing the time limit for the issuance of the title for 17 days to seven days. The SIM also conducted a review of its processes, example of this is that the photos are now integrated with a system, which reduced the period of availability of identities.

6.2.5 Benchmarking

In general, the practice of benchmarking is carried out in relation to management practices, by comparison. For example, the drafting of the Charter of Citizen Services and the items covered by this, as well as the form of dissemination are used as the parameters for comparing the OM.

In relation to the service itself, it was observed that the SIM is frequent use of the DETRAN (Brazilian Traffic Department), in addition to the Army and aeronautics as references. It is usual during the course of that identifier, be carried out visits in other forces to know your processes. The SIPM also uses them as a reference in terms of service to the public.


All aspects observed in the literature, as explained in Figure 2, were observed in organizations. However, the practices observed by they present some diversity. With the increased disclosure, are perceived by other organizations, which may adopt them by amplifying these improvements even further in the Navy, which is the main objective of the Neptune Program.

Through the analysis it is noticed that the letter brings benefits not only to the citizens, that is the raison d’être of this instrument, but also to their own internal processes of the organization, which become more explicit and results-oriented.

Gespública programs and Neptune, who use MEGP, foster the use of the letter in organizations. The importance given to this instrument by these programs is justified, because the benefits observed in their use reinforces the most basics of managerial excellence, which form the basis of MEGP (MB, 2013; MPOG, 2014).

The letter encourages systems thinking, is to highlight the organization’s products, allows the servers to understand their roles in all. This understanding helps in your commitment, and consequently the role of leadership, due to the perception of the importance and the meaning of each.

Furthermore, the use of this tool facilitates organizational learning to elucidate the processes, requirements and results. Such facts corroborate with the culture of innovation by enabling the reflection of the individuals that make up the Organization of the various items. This culture is still leveraged by participatory management, which extends the amount of ideas and proposals to hear the citizens-users.

The process guidance and information is based on measurement and performance analysis. So, when effectively utilized in the management process, allow the organization to generate value, which will lead to the achievement of your vision of the future. In addition, the availability of information generates the necessary transparency to social control, which in turn also contributes to the better functioning of the institution, and avoids misappropriation of its orientation to the citizen.

It should be noted that all these benefits to the internal management will contribute to the citizen-user service, raison d’être and primary goal of these organizations. This fact is reflected also in the concept of social responsibility, to ensure the actors the condition of citizenship through access to essential services. This relationship between the observed benefits and the fundamentals of managerial excellence is represented in schematic way in Figure 3.

Figure 3. The benefits of the services and the basics of managerial excellence

Source: own Elaboration

Thus, it can be seen that the benefits brought by the Letter demonstrate its usefulness in the continuous improvement of the services offered by public organizations, which indicates that its use should be encouraged and constantly improved. From these findings, it is suggested to carry out empirical research more about this tool, assisting in your improvement as a result of the dissemination of successful experiences of other institutions.


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1. Ao realizar pesquisa na base SciELO e na Biblioteca Digital Brasileira de Teses e Dissertações (BDTD) com as palavras-chave “carta” e “cidadão”, ou “carta” e “serviços”, não foram encontrados artigos diretamente relacionados à Carta de Serviços ao Cidadão estabelecida pelo decreto 6.932/2009.

2. Esse mesmo decreto que estabelece a Carta, demonstra o seu alto grau de vinculação ao programa Gespública, em seu artigo 13: "O Programa Nacional da Gestão Pública e Desburocratização – GESPÚBLICA […] colocará à disposição dos órgãos e entidades do Poder Executivo Federal interessados, gratuitamente, metodologia para elaboração da Carta de Serviço ao Cidadão […]" (MPOG, 2009).

3. Utilizando-se a teoria agente-principal, pressupõe-se que os cidadãos deveriam atuar no papel de principal. Ou seja, os cidadão passam a ser interpretados como proprietários, enquanto as organizações públicas assumem o papel de agente, defendendo os interesses do proprietário na geração de valor. No entanto, devido à presença de uma relação principal-agente fortemente desequilibrada e na ausência de instrumentos para controlar a atuação dos administradores públicos, a distância entre os cidadãos e a administração pública se acentuou. Consequentemente, os cidadãos passaram a não se reconhecer no papel de proprietários dos serviços públicos (Falco, 2000).

4. “Benchmarking pode ser definido como a procura contínua de melhores métodos e práticas que produzem um maior desempenho quando adaptados na própria organização” f(MB, 2013, p. 1-28).

5. Percebe-se de forma clara a relação entre esses preceitos e o Programa Netuno, tendo em vista que esse programa de modernização administrativa se seguiu a programas de qualidade total, sendo uma evolução desses ao agregar outras ferramentas.

6. Em virtude da experiência auferida e como forma de incentivo às demais organizações, o SIPM foi convidado a participar do Encontro para Difusão da Carta de Serviços ao Cidadão como Ferramenta Orientadora da Gestão Interna de Processos Organizacionais das Instituições Públicas Brasileiras, realizado em 1º de junho de 2010, na ANATEL em Brasília, em evento organizado em conjunto com o Ministério do Planejamento, Orçamento e Gestão.

7. O festival Âncora Social é um evento que congrega ações sociais com a prestação de serviços, orientações e entretenimento. Os participantes têm acesso a atendimentos médicos e odontológicos, serviços de identificação, recadastramento e orientação, serviços de beleza, atividades pedagógicas e infantis, além de exposições sobre a Marinha.

8. A parte externa do contracheque da MB, que é recebido por todos os seus integrantes, possui um espaço para a veiculação de notícias e informações de interesse geral.

9. Atualmente a Marinha divide-se geograficamente em nove regiões.

10. Trata-se de um microônibus adaptado que tem a capacidade de identificar até quatro usuários simultaneamente.

11. Na 7ª edição do evento em maio de 2013 foram realizados 5.240 atendimentos, em diversas especialidades.

12. Esse conselho foi uma inovação administrativa na MB, que remodelou o Conselho Econômico, que tinha como função básica a prestação de contas. Assim, ampliou a função de controle para uma função de assessoramento, mais adequada às práticas preconizadas pela Administração Pública Gerencial. O Conselho de Gestão assessora o Comando não apenas nos aspectos relacionados à administração econômico-financeira e gerencial, como também naqueles relacionados ao desenvolvimento organizacional (MB, 2013).

13. “Crowdsourcing é o ato de tomar uma tarefa tradicionalmente realizada por um agente designado (como um empregado ou um contratado) e terceirizá-la, fazendo uma chamada aberta a um grupo indefinido, porém grande de pessoas” (Howe, 2008, p.1, tradução nossa).